Simple Tools to Stop Drafts and Save Energy this Winter

Use weatherstripping to stop drafts

Winter is coming and so is the cold - is your home prepared? Even if your home is fairly new, chances are it has little gaps and cracks that allow cold air to sneak in and warm air to escape, making you chilly and driving your energy bills up. Though installing new, energy-efficient windows and insulation is the ultimate way to winterize your home, the simple and affordable little tools below make a big difference as well - helping to reduce drafts, keep you warm, and save you energy.

Use Weatherstripping or Caulk to Stop Window Drafts

Windows are common draft culprits, particularly if they are old - but don’t go out and break the bank on new windows just yet. You can use cost-effective weatherstripping or sealants to draft-proof your windows instead. Weatherstripping is a clean, easy way to seal gaps around windows, working much like self-adhesive tape. Caulks and sealants may be used as well, applied directly from the tube or with a caulk gun. The method you use will depend on the size of the gaps and preference.

Prevent Heat Loss with Door Sweeps

Door sweeps have many benefits, one of which is helping to prevent cold air from entering and warm air from escaping from gaps beneath your exterior doors. They also help prevent unwanted moisture, debris, and pests from entering (mice like to stay warm too!).

Reduce Air Leaks with Outlet and Switch Gaskets

Hover your hand over an outlet or light switch. Do you feel a draft? Then you need outlet gaskets! Electrical boxes behind wall sockets penetrate into the wall cavity, making them a common source for air leaks. Switch and outlet gaskets are thin, insulating pieces of foam made to fit behind outlet and switch covers to prevent this. At less than a quarter a piece, you can’t afford to not equip your home with them.

AC Covers

If you aren’t able to remove your window AC unit during the winter months, cover it up! Reusable AC covers help reduce drafts and protect the unit from dust, leaves, weather, and more while it is not in use. Simply secure the insulating, wind-blocking liner in place with tape, then cover it with the washable fabric cover, all included in the kit.

Attic Tents

Typically left unheated, your attic and the door that leads to it is a hot spot for cold drafts. Attic tents are the solution. Designed to insulate and snugly cover your attic’s folding stair door, it reduces heat loss and draft while still offering easy access into the attic.